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Mentorship Committee: About Us

What We Do

Our committee was established in summer of 2021.

Our charge:

  •  Define the scope of ALI mentorship. 
  • Recommend mentoring pathways and strategies for keeping members, prospective librarians, and other associates informed of ALI’s activities, initiatives, and opportunities for involvement. 
  • Create a structure to help manage and assess the ongoing opportunities within the mentoring spectrum. 
  • Establish a process for ongoing evaluation of the program (i.e. regular feedback from mentees and mentors, the process of establishing matches, committee member(s) identified as a point of contact for participants in the program.) 

Want to Join?

Come join us! The ALI Mentorship Committee always welcomes new members and we accept new members on a rolling basis. We are an active committee that usually meets once a month during the academic year and we work to provide mentorship opportunities and professional development to ALI members through open chats, maintaining a skills directory, and facilitate peer mentorship circles! We welcome any interested ALI member (early career, new to Indiana, tenured/tenured-track, staff, etc.) and you do not have to have any prior mentoring experience.  

If you’re looking for a way to get involved with ALI or want to engage with mentorship in any capacity, we highly encourage you to give our committee a chance! If interested or if you have any additional questions, please reach out to current chair Beth South at

Meet Our Team


Beth South 
IU East


Dana Swinford

Indiana State

Kirsten Williams

University of Southern Indiana

KT Lowe
IU East

Nolan Eller
Wabash College

Garrett Griffith

IU Bloomington

Gabe Rios
IU School of Medicine